Roof Maintenance

When your roof doesn’t need to be replaced quite yet or doesn’t consist of enough damage for the insurance to pay for the roof to be replaced, we will perform any necessary repairs to prevent any further damage depending on the need or to get you by until the roof needs to be replaced. We also offer a Maintenance package that consists of caulk and seal all ends of ridge caps, exposed nail heads, and all pipe jack collards (all pipe jacks, exhaust stacks, and caps are painted and sealed also). We also recommend that homeowners have an annual inspection due to the crazy Texas weather and to use the maintenance package as needed to extend the life of the roof!

  • How often should I have maintenance performed on my roof?

    We suggest every 2-3 years to have an inspection. We will provide a detailed report with our recommendations (if any) for needed maintenance.

  • How much does the maintenance cost?

    Depending on the size of the roof, the average roof is $550.